CT Online Study Portal

imageI would like to recommend a paid CT resource page which I feel will benefit anyone looking to pass the AART CT registry exam.


About Us

CTtutor.com strives to bring fun to learning. We have spent years developing a comprehensive e-training course to improve technologists’ skills in all subject areas of computed tomography. The curriculum was developed by our team of experienced educators and technologists. Technologists and students have extensively tested the curriculum for its effectiveness in preparing for the clinical environment and the ARRT* registry exam.

MDCT.net launches new updated website.

MDCT.net webpage

I hadn’t visited MDCT.net for a while,  the other day I visited, and was pleasantly surprised to find a new revamped site. 

The new approach on this revamp is to make it easier to navigate through each section, such as clinical cases, being able to view e-lectures from the home page, ability to scroll through educational presentations, being able to find all the content on the load page, a new parametric search, latest CT buzz section for upcoming meetings and conferences, and each post in the main section has a “related content” box in the sidebar proposing additional information on what you are viewing.

I would diffidently recommend a visit to this site to all my CT friends. 

New Continuing Education site.

I was just was made aware of a continuing education site I think you should check out. It’s a very straight forward, easy to navigate site, and all the credits are approved by the ASRT.

Here’s the link: ce4rt  Getting continuing education is now easier for radiologic technologists who are busy and on the go. And finally there are courses that are made for you and your profession instead of physician books that are out of your scope of practice. No more sitting in seminars all day or snail mailing books to get credits. We have unique courses offering a variety of credits to meet your needs. At CE4RT.com we offer easy and affordable continuing education you can get on your smartphone, tablet, or PC you can get right now and have your credits today.

I hope you find it useful, and comments are welcomed.

Update to this post, I didn’t realize it but I had already had this site in my continuing education pages under XRayCeRT, it seems Jason Eisenbeisz has updated his link. I hope this doesn’t cause any problems, and I encourage you to visit his site.

My Professions

My Professions

I love this picture, it reminds me of the 2 professions I’ve been involved in for almost all my life, a retired radiologic technologist, and a professional drummer. I just wanted to share it!!


Xray drum kit.

Xray drum kit.